Health and Healthcare 
This site directs you, based on your state of residence, to purchase insurance through either the appropriate state or federal health insurance marketplace.

CDC Healthy Living site 
The Centers for Disease Control's (CDC's) healthy living site covers specific health conditions, health at different life stages, and health considerations for specific populations.

Medicare home page 
Medicare is a health insurance program for people aged 65 and over who have paid into the system through payroll taxes on their wages. In order to receive benefits, you need to enroll. This page, getting started with Medicare, gives more information about setting up Medicare.

Iowa's asbestos exposure is an increased health risk for workers in industries such as manufacturing, energy production, agriculture and technology. People 65 and older comprise 60% of all cancer patients.  It takes anywhere from 20-50 years after exposure to occur and seniors make up around 80% of those diagnosed. 
By clicking on the above links, you will find information for at-no-cost services such as monthly online cancer support group sessions, on-staff doctors and nurses available to answer any medical-related question, and patient advocates who work one-on-one with individuals to help them find local doctors, treatment centers and support groups.